Conference and event services
We specialise in providing comprehensive interpreting and technical services for congresses, conferences and events. Thanks to the professionalism of our interpreters and technical teams, we provide equipment and interpreting services for prestigious international events.
Technical, business, legal, social, political, economic issues – we cover the full spectrum of topics, right up to conferences on narrow scientific fields.
Rental of equipment for simultaneous interpreting
We offer modern equipment for simultaneous interpreting to provide reliable interpreting services for conferences and international events. Our offer includes the rental of professional simultaneous interpreting sets, which include soundproof booths, a sound system, receivers with headphones, microphones or multiphones, as well as audio and video transmission and recording equipment.

Booth interpreting
The most common example of simultaneous interpretation is booth interpreting. Simultaneous booth interpreting is a form of interpreting in which two or more interpreters work simultaneously in a specially adapted soundproof booth and conference participants receive real-time interpretation through headphones or speakers. Interpreters work in shifts, ensuring continuous and smooth communication between conference participants speaking different languages.
Multiphones – system for interpreting discussions, panels and meetings
Simultaneous interpretation with multiphones is often used at conferences, training courses and business meetings where participants speak different languages. Participants using their desktop (multiphone), speak into a microphone, each in their own language. At the same time, interpreters in the booths simultaneously translate the speeches into the target languages; each participant is then able to choose the language of translation that they hear in their headphones.
Tour-Guide. Guided tours, visits, presentations
Tour Guide tis a wireless, electronic group touring system. It is very often used in the tourism industry, but is also widely used in business, for example when guiding foreign visitors with an interpreter around a new company. Our technical team provides professional equipment service and is available to help with any problems. We make sure that translations are carried at the highest level.
Audiovisual systems, voting systems
In addition to simultaneous interpretation and equipment dedicated directly to the interpreting process, we offer a wide range of conference equipment such as sound systems, audiovisual systems and voting systems.
Secretary's office
tel. (+48) 71 344 80 01
tel. (+48) 662 164 055
tel. (+48) 662 199 990
tel. (+48) 508 241 361